Message from the Principal
Dear Parents and Caregivers
Beaconhouse is renowned for offering an excellent education to its students and is widely recognised in both in Oman and across the international community for its educational successes. At Beaconhouse, learning is at the heart of everything we do. Developing students’ key skills such as; collaboration, cooperation, communication, creativity and critical thinking are an important part of our educational ethos. Our focus is to help our children learn and grow as we want them to thrive and be life-long learners. Our teachers are passionate and seek to ensure that every child achieves their highest potential.
Our kindergarten hosts over 10 different nationalities of students and staff which makes for a very diverse and culturally rich learning environment.
Parent support and partnerships are integral to quality learning and experience and we truly value the relationships that our school has built with parents and the wider community. We are confident that our facilities and high standards of teaching and learning will lead to successful outcomes for our students.
Thank you for visiting our website and I hope that you receive some insights of life here at Beaconhouse Al Qurum.
Best Wishes
Zeba Masood